This program is FREE and open to middle and high school students of color (Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native Pacific Islander) or students from Title I schools who don't have access to a school science fair that are interested in conducting either a group or individual project for science fair.Transportation is available for participants and dinner will be provided at each meeting.
Upon completion of the program, participants will receive:
Transportation and support will be provided for students to attend either the Manatee, Sarasota or Pinellas County STEM fairs AND transportation and support will be provided to any participants who advance to the state STEM Fair. All meetings will be at The NEST at Robinson Preserve in Bradenton, FL. |
Este programa es para estudiantes en los grados 6-12. Hay transportación para los estudiantes que lo requieren y, recibirán la cena en todas las reuniones.
Estudiantes recibirán una camisa:un certificado y una tarjeta de Visa para $100 cuando completan el programa. Los estudiantes recibirán transportación y ayuda para asistir el STEM Fair de Manatee, Sarasota or Pinellas County mas apoyo (transportación) para participar en el STEM Fair de Florida para los que reciben invitaciones. Todas las reuniones estarán en The NEST de Robinson Preserve en Bradenton, FL |
November 2nd (5pm-7:30 pm)
2 de noviembre (5pm-7:30pm) November 15th, 16th, 18th and 30th (5pm-7:30 pm) 15, 16, 18 y 30 de noviembre (5pm-7:30pm) December 6th-7th (5pm-7:30pm) 6 y 7 de deciembre (5pm-7:30pm) December 8th (5pm-7pm) 8 de deciembre (5pm-7pm) February febrero April 4th-6th 4-6 de abril |
Mandatory kick-off meeting
Reunión obligatorio de bienvenida Data collection days/check-ins (must attend at least 1) reuniones para collectar los datos y evaluar el avance Mandatory Science Fair Prep Days Reuniones obligatorios de preparación de los proyectos Family Night/Practice Presentations (Mandatory) Noche de Familia/Practicar las presentaciones (Obligatorio) Manatee County/Sarasota/Pinellas County STEM Fairs Los STEM Fairs de Manatee, Sarasota y Pinellas Counties State STEM Fair (for those who place at either of the county STEM Fairs) State STEM Fair (por invitación) |
Science at the Sea has fantastic marine science programs, intended to provide accessible science experiences for kids from historically excluded groups in STEM: including gender minorities, racial/ethnic minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and people from low income or underserved communities.
Participants will have the opportunity to:
Program cost: FREE!
Location: Emerson Point Preserve 5801 17th St W Palmetto, Florida 34221 |
March 12th 9am-12pm April 30th 9am-12pm May 21st 9am-11am June 18th 9am-12pm July 23rd 9am-12pm August 13th 9am-12pm September 17th 9am-11am October 22nd 9am-2pm November 19 9am-2pm |
Middle School Workshop: Watersheds High School Workshop: Watersheds Family Workshop: Watersheds Middle School Workshop: Critters of Tampa Bay High School Workshop: Critters of Tampa Bay Family Workshop: Critters of Tampa Bay Coastal Cleanup (all ages welcome) Middle School Workshop: All About ROV's High School Workshop: All About ROV's |
About missMISS provides a community and funded opportunities for gender minorities of color who wish to enter the field of shark sciences. We aim to show that there are many gender minorities of color succeeding in and interested in this field.
We fundraise and apply for grants to create paid opportunities to attempt to knock down the financial barrier into shark sciences. We encourage other organizations in our field to do the same. |
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CONTACT USMailing Address:
PO Box 10493 Bradenton, FL 34282 © COPYRIGHT 2022. Minorities in Shark Sciences Inc.