MISS in the Media
Below you can find articles written about MISS, scientific papers published by MISS members, and more
All episodes of Sharks Unknown are now streaming on PBS Terra!
News and Articles
Non-profit making waves for more diversity in shark science with CNN
Interview with OceanX
The Amazing World of Sharks panel discussion with The Explorers Club
Black Women Shark Scientists Create Network to Encourage People of Color by EcoWatch
Florida State University Alumni Spotlight
The Ethogram at UC Davis
Ocean Conservancy Blog
Discovery Shark Week Feature
Sun Sentinel Feature
Podcast with Aaron Bunch (American Fisheries Society)
Shelby Reef Feature
There's a push to diversify shark research and marine biology in ABC 9 KGUN Tucson
Interview with OceanX
The Amazing World of Sharks panel discussion with The Explorers Club
Black Women Shark Scientists Create Network to Encourage People of Color by EcoWatch
Florida State University Alumni Spotlight
The Ethogram at UC Davis
Ocean Conservancy Blog
Discovery Shark Week Feature
Sun Sentinel Feature
Podcast with Aaron Bunch (American Fisheries Society)
Shelby Reef Feature
There's a push to diversify shark research and marine biology in ABC 9 KGUN Tucson
Discovery's Shark Week and NatGeo's SharkFest Episodes featuring MISS members!
Jasmin Graham joined Anthony Mackie for Shark Beach with Anthony Mackie!
Melissa Cristina Marquez was featured in Attack of the Red Sea Sharks Dr. Sora Kim appeared in Jaws vs. Leviathan on Shark Week! |
Dr. Lauren Simonitis brought sensory biology to the big screen with her appearance in Shark Attack 360: Dangerous Forces!
A-bel Gong and Heidy Martinez shared some fun facts in Sharks Gone Viral. |
Looking to cite a gender minority of color in your upcoming paper? View published manuscripts by MISS members below!
MISS Author: Buddhi Maheshika Article Title: Where have all the sawfishes gone? Perspectives on declines of these Critically Endangered species in Sri Lanka
MISS Author: Devanshi Kasana Article Title: Global Status and conservation potential of reef sharks
MISS Author: Jasmin Graham Article Title: Large-scale space use of large juvenile and adult smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata: implications for management
MISS Author: Luz Saldaña-Ruiz Article Title: Assessing the exposure risk of large pelagic fish to oil spills scenarios in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico
MISS Author: Dr. Sora Kim Article Title: Probing the Ecology and Climate of the Eocene Southern Ocean with Sand Tiger Sharks Striatolamia macrota
MISS Author: Dr. Sora Kim Article Title: Integrating multiple chemical tracers to elucidate the diet and habitat of Cookiecutter Sharks
MISS Author: Sonia Ali Article Title: A TNF–JNK–Axl–ERK signaling axis mediates primary resistance to EGFR inhibition in glioblastoma
MISS Author: Dr. Lauren Simonitis Article Title: Microstructure of the Bonnethead Shark (Sphyrna tiburo) Olfactory Rosette
MISS Author: Chris Sarkis Article Title: Sea Snacks from DNA Tracks: Using DNA Metabarcoding to Chracterize the Diet of the Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas)
MISS Author: Ingrid Hyrycena Article Title: An overview on elasmobranch release as a bycatch mitigation strategy
MISS Author: Devanshi Kasana Article Title: Global Status and conservation potential of reef sharks
MISS Author: Jasmin Graham Article Title: Large-scale space use of large juvenile and adult smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata: implications for management
MISS Author: Luz Saldaña-Ruiz Article Title: Assessing the exposure risk of large pelagic fish to oil spills scenarios in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico
MISS Author: Dr. Sora Kim Article Title: Probing the Ecology and Climate of the Eocene Southern Ocean with Sand Tiger Sharks Striatolamia macrota
MISS Author: Dr. Sora Kim Article Title: Integrating multiple chemical tracers to elucidate the diet and habitat of Cookiecutter Sharks
MISS Author: Sonia Ali Article Title: A TNF–JNK–Axl–ERK signaling axis mediates primary resistance to EGFR inhibition in glioblastoma
MISS Author: Dr. Lauren Simonitis Article Title: Microstructure of the Bonnethead Shark (Sphyrna tiburo) Olfactory Rosette
MISS Author: Chris Sarkis Article Title: Sea Snacks from DNA Tracks: Using DNA Metabarcoding to Chracterize the Diet of the Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas)
MISS Author: Ingrid Hyrycena Article Title: An overview on elasmobranch release as a bycatch mitigation strategy